THIS IS THE END MY FRIENDS The school year has come to an end. This is very sad ( ☺ ) because, though we still have another year left, we're not going to be studying English in the second year. We have had a very good time in classes with Aurora, especially at 8AM classes (my favorites). The sound of the speakings will forever be echoing in my brain. Now, I gotta go my own way.
Hello! Today I have made two things. One is a mindmap with clothes, and the other is an online game with the same words. This is the mindmap: And this is the online game. It's a crossword! The words you have to look for: Belt Boots Jacket Cardigan Coat Dress Gloves Hat Jacket Jumper Purse Scarf Shirt Shorts Tie Trainers Trousers
Hello! This is our niche market of school material for left handed people. This was just the first concept, we didn't have a name or a slogan yet. Then we came up with Pretty Lefty Thing , and your slogan is: "Are you a lefty kid?". Then we recorded a video to promote our bussiness. It starts with a left handed kid struggling with cutting a paper with scissors for right handed people. Then, we presented a lot more problems the lefty kids face in their school years, like desks for right handed people or their arm always hitting their friend's. Then, we made a video for promoting our brand. I'm not putting it on here because I'm shy but it is uploaded on Moodle!
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