1.1 A slice of my life
Hello, my name is Marta, I'm 22 years old. and I'm studying Commercial Activities at IES Columela. I'm creating this blog because my english teacher told me to do so. I like writing and reading, and I used to play in a band but I left when I was 17 because it took a lot of time from me. I also love english because I feel like everything sounds better when it's spoken in english. I have a B1 Certificate from Cambridge but I'm pretty sure I have a higher level, so I'm planning on going for B2 this year. If I could live anywhere in the world I'd actually love to be moving in and out and spend a bit of time in different countries because I want to experience different cultures from around the world. I'm also interested in learning some other languages because I've always been into languages. So I think that's it! Thank you for reading and have a great day!